My New Hobby: Wedding Flowers?

In the last few years, I’ve developed a hobby of flower arranging and have been asked to use my “talents” (and I use that term loosely) for wedding of friends.  I absolutely LOVE doing it and thought I’d share my latest wedding with you all:  Siobhan & Alex

 Siobhan and Alex have been friends of mine for years when I began working with Siobhan right out of college.  They’re an awesome, laid back couple that I adore being around.  Their wedding was unique, modern, gorgeous, and most of all FUN!
I created bouquets for Siobhan and her bridesmaids…. as well as centerpieces for the ceremony and reception (which were funky and modern).
 This was a spring wedding with dark, moody (and gorgeous) flowers…..
which isn’t exactly an easy combination…..

….but with help from my friends at David Wholesale Florist , I was able to find what I needed.  They’re a great wholesale florist in Birmingham that is open to the public.  So whether you need enough for one arrangement or an entire wedding, they’re a great local resource.

Hope you enjoyed the photos!  Email me if you’d like me to create something for your next event (shameless self-promotion, I know)!